Monday, August 19, 2013

Flamingo in August (en Español)

Hace rato le habia prometido a mi amigo Frank Carbone, guia de peacock bass en Florida y agente de ventas para el Amazonas , de llevarlo a pescar a Flamingo.  El nunca habia sacado un Redfish en el Estado de Florida y estaba con muchas ganas.  Luego de chequear la marea le digo de salir el Sabado, que a pesar de ser un dia concurrido por pescadores, siempre encuentro un lugar para mi solo.
La noche anterior me llama otro amigo, Nick Shirghio, excelente fotografo comercial y fanatico de la pesca con mosca.
Ninguno de los dos es muy experimentado con el fly fishing asi que lleve equipos de fly y spin.  Frank se decidio por el spin y Nick por el fly.

Llegamos a la rampa a eso de las 8.30 am (no es necesario madrugar tanto) y nos fuimos a los flats de los cayos Murray y Frank.  La marea empezaba a entrar y se veian estelas de lisas por todos lados y entre estas las estelas de los redfish y otros predadores.
Hay que saber diferenciar cual es cual, para no cansarse metiendo tiros inutiles a los cardumenes de lisas.

Probamos durante dos horas pero ninguno de mis pescadores estaban afilados lo suficiente como para clavar ningun redfish, y vimos muchos, y algunos grandes.   Luego de ver como el agua ya cubria el flat y el constante moviemiento de las lisas oscurecia el agua notablemente, decido moverme hacia los cayos mas al sur, a mitad de camino entre Flamingo e Islamorada esperando encontrarme con Snook, Redfish, Tarpon y Tiburones.  Si la suerte nos acompañaba veriamos tambien algun permit.

Navegamos unos 25 minutos y llegamos al primer cayo.  El agua estaba empezando a bajar (hay mucha diferencia de mareas entre los diferentes puntos de Florida bay) y muy rapido.  Es un cayo que me es particularmente muy productivo, si el pescador mete la mosca donde debe meterla.

Ni bien entramos en la primer bahia se veia salir de abajo de los manglares los snook, ya seas solos o en grupos de hasta 10 o mas.  Estos estaban en agua bien transparente y bajando, asi que estaban muy asustadizos pero pudimos clavar un par.   En los flats, se empezaban a ver los cardumenes de redfish rata (rat redfish) que son los mas chicos ( 30 o 40 cm) y entre ellos algunos mas interesantes con algun chanchito de unos 6 a 8 kg.

Seguimos pescando toda la costa del cayo hasta que vimos unos tarpones "rolear".  Por alguna razon siempre estan en ese mismo lugar, y cuando pueden se meten debajo de las ramas de los manglares a comer y protegerse del sol.

Frank logra meter un tiro abajo de las ramas con la caña de spinning y un camaron Gulp y enseguida clava un tarponcito de unos 4 o 5 kg que luego de un par de saltos escupe el Gulp.  Como habia dos pescadores, si uno pesca uno o lo pierde le da el turno al siguiente.  Nick mete un buen par de tiros y clava otro mas chiquito pero le corta por no tener shock tippet, habia atado la mosca directamente en el leader de 12 lbs.

Como el agua seguia bajando fuerte y se nos iba el tiempo decidimos pescar zonas con palos y pozos para buscar unos redfish.   Ahi cambio nuestra suerte ya que pudimos ver varios de los grandes y meter buenos tiros que pagaron con algunos chicos y otros mas grandes.

Frank siguio con su Gulp y Nick con unos Half and half con rattle en anzuelo # 2/0

Al final tuvimos un dia espectacular y quedamos en volver el fin de semana siguiente.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

3 Days in the Abacos

I am fortunate enough to be able to fish in very nice places and not many of these surprise me anymore.  This was not the case on my recent trip to Abaco Lodge, on Marsh Harbor, Abaco Island, Bahamas.

I arrived full of expectation.  My home bonefish, though very large, were being very elusive.  We've seen a bunch, but were tough to eat.  I wanted to catch a bunch of bonefish, really bad.

Once I arrived at the lodge, a short 15' from Marsh Harbor airport, I was impressed with the quality of the lodge and the warmth of Ken and Anne Perkinson, lodge managers.

On arrival day, Ken offered me to go wade fishing to the Ocean side (not the Marls side) for a couple of hours.
Right upon arrival we saw a few larger than average Bahamas bones, a few of them over 5 lbs with a really nice fish we estimated at about 9 lbs.  These fish were as spooky as our Biscayne Bay bonefish and even though we had some good casts, only one took my fly and broke me off on a coral head.

The following day was overcast, with some storm heads aproaching fast.  At the dock I met Capt. Marty Sawyer, probably one of the few caucasian guides in the Bahamas and my first impression was that I was going to be a long day.  He looked at my fly box and asked me for another one.  He said use this fly and gave me a Puglisi Spawning shrimp # 4, fly I like a lot, it looks fishy and I know Enrico and like this grumpy Italian guy a bunch,  so I had no problem accepting the defeat of my flies.

We cruised for about 15 minutes on this incredible environment of marls, mangroves, sand beaches, coral heads, palm trees and wildlife until we reached a spot tha Marty thought it will hold fish.

I got in position and he said " 9 o'clock 25 ft, bonefish taking off!!!" which I thought it was funny, when we spook a bonefish in Miami is Hasta la Vista, Baby.  NOT HERE!  Marty asked me what I was doing as I watched the bonefish swim away and I said i was looking for another one.  He shouted" ".. cast to the f......g fish, NOW".  Now the bonefish was about 65 ft away and still swimming but I did as I was told, landed the fly a foot or two to the right of the fish, which put a grinding halt, turned around and eat that fly like there was no tomorrow!
Go figure, a spooked fish turned around and took a fly!  Only in the Bahamas.  It ended up with a 4 lb bonefish that took about a 100 yards of backing of my reel and gave me a new perspective to bonefishing.

Marty looked at me and told me: ".. I told you Martin, if I had you fishing yesterday, we would have caught 100 fish..."  which was a great compliment as I was starting to like this guide a lot.

I spent the rest of my fishing day catching one bonefish after the other, all of them on Enrico's fly.   At one point I though that Marty was such a good guide that I could fish blindfolded.

What I did next was try my theory and I closed my eyes for a while and listen to Marty until he said, ".. bonefish 11 o'clock, 40 ft, moving towards 11.30 (sic) cast...." and while I was literally blind casting (2 casts) he told me to drop the fly, which I did.  I started stripping with my eyes closed an he said ".....strip, strip, stop...... strip, stop......let it sit.....SET THE HOOK......"   The result was a 3 lb bonefish, that I hooked with my eyes closed under the guidance of what I consider now one of the top 5 guides in the world.

Later, when I was having a Balvenie at the lodge, Anne brought me a copy of the Drake magazine were it features an article on Marty Sawyer.

My following days were spent fishing a couple of hours from the Hell's Bay Professional boats Abaco Lodge has until my arms went sore from hooking lots of bonefish and the occasional permit (which I hooked but failed to land) and wade fishing the Ocean side with Ken, watching huge bonefish, Biscayne bay size.   I only managed to hook one very large fish, that again broke me off and another one that I think took my fly but I never managed to feel the strike .... he gave me the fin and swam away....

I am very impressed with Abaco Lodge, the amazing fishing it has, how easy is for totally novice anglers to learn how to bonefish - heck, even learning how to fly fish - and how demanding and skillfull you have to be if you want to catch the bonefish of a lifetime.   Abaco has opportunities for the novice angler and for the most experienced angler alike.

One day after fishing for about two hours I had caught so many bonefish that I guided my guide Kenny for a change of pace and we had a lot of fun.

Besides the bonefish, I saw permit, baby tarpon up to say, 50 lbs, very large mangrove Snapper, bunch of lemon and black tip sharks and great barracuda.

I look forward to fish Abaco again. 

For more information on Abaco Lodge visit or

Photos by Clau Cebrian Photography